The Writing Process

"A Rose for Emily"

My opinion on this story:
       "A Rose for Emily".  Actually this is the first time I read this story.  Very interesting by the way.  Is this kind of stories that at the beginning you think knowing what is going on, but is not until you get tho the end of the story you find out that it was nothing of what you thought or believed.  It has intrigue, mystery, etc...  Because you will think knowing why the attitude of this women, why does she buy that poison.  Also on a moment of the story it even makes you think she will suicide her self.  But that is not what actually is going on.  She just wants to never be alone and that another man left her side, there is when you go "wow what a psycho"  In my part I Loved this story and also enjoyed it very much, I mean.  Why not loving it????  It is a complete "puzzle", it plays totally with our minds.  In such way that is even complicated associating the tittle with what is actually happening with the life of this suffering woman.

The character that I choose, and how it represents anger and respect:
      Of all the characters in this story, the one that I can more associate between anger and respect is Miss Emily. For me she has the two as she, although not clearly tell the story Emily was full of anger and fury inside.  Inclusive when I read this story, I put myself in her shoes.  Think for a moment, her life was a little harsh, raised by a father that in a moment she loses him and she not even wants to accept it.  At the lost of her father what remains is a house for herself and her servant, other than that the teasing, criticism and gossip of neighbors. It is not easy to live in such a situation. For that very reason was that she did not have the best manners, but it was the same anger that rotted her inside. Besides that her childhood was also not the best since his father was very strong and strict.  Now we can see that the anger and respect starts with what our parents teach us, other than what we face every day in the world in our daily lives, with so heartless people like Emily's neighbors, and the difficulties that life gets in the way.

How  did I see Emily from beginning to end: 

      Emily in this story for me always had the same attitude. The only thing  is that she  kept it all inside her. 
Until suddenly it all came out.  She presented a calculator person, because although she was not quite 
right in the head she knew very well what she was doing and every step she made.  It was what she
said and thought at all times, her servant (the Negro)  had to obey every order or command told by
her, even with the death of her father being dead she insisted not.  Also I see her as a kind of victim
that all who were around her did not help much, all that mattered to them was what happened or 
did not happen with her life.  If maybe one of them would have provided assistance as much as 
possible her attitude would have had a different outcome, and probably she would not have felt
so alone and did not have the need to kill any man.


Article: The Interaction

                Of all the magazines that I read in, the one that capture my attention was “The Interaction”.  You may ask yourself.  Why that one in specific?  Actually from the moment I read the theme I just loved it, and immediately related it with Puerto Rico, and I consider that even with the entire world.  Interaction is something we people do daily.  It’s the way we communicate and understand with others.  But have you asked yourself?  Do I interact with everyone?  Do I interact with any kind of person, without looking color, class, etc.?

                This article mentions an investigation that was performed by John Sherblom, Lynnette Leonard and Leslie Withers (three communication searchers) realized, on the University of Maine.  About different ways people (students from the University) interact with each other’s.  For me it was very curios how they mention that “students interact often based on factors over which they have control: race, gender, social class, upbringing and geography” (according to Sherblom).  From all the information that this article gave me, this sentence immediately made something clicked in my brain.  Just think for a second, this is actually our problem of interacting, and not only in the United States and Puerto Rico, but for the whole world.  We people (in general) have a big problem with interaction and communicating with others.  Simply because: he is black, he is poor, he is ugly, he is catholic, etc. We judge, but never say we are all humans, with feelings and created by the same Lord, is as if we put a barrier in order to communicate with other people in one way or another.  Actually I consider that this is the reason of so many bad things and craziness that happen daily in our Puerto Rico and all thanks to the lack of interaction and communication.  If only we could put all of our differences and preferences a side and see each other as a same type.  I’m sure that Puerto Rico would be a better and friendly place.

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